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Frequently Asked Questions

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If your question is not answered here, please contact us at info@nightlightcinema.com

General faq text


Location, Showtimes, etc

General FAQ

Where are you located?

The Nightlight is located in downtown Akron at 30 North High Street.

We are next to Akron Coffee Roasters, and across the street from United Way of Summit & Medina.

When are you open?

The Nightlight is open seven nights a week! (*Except when otherwise noted.)

The box office, bar, and concessions open 45 minutes before the first show of the day and close when the last show ends.

How can I buy a ticket?

You can buy a ticket online, or you can purchase at our box office before the showtime.

(We recommend getting yours online, since they sometimes go quick!)

How much does a ticket cost?

Regular adult admission: $10.00

Senior citizens (62+): $9.00

Students (with ID) and children (12 and under): $8.00

Members enjoy ticket discounts! Learn more about our membership options.

Event prices vary.

How do I get my tickets if purchased online?

Tickets are delivered to your email. When you arrive, we will scan its barcode or take your name to check you in.

Where can I park?

Parking is available at meters on High Street, which is free after 6 PM and throughout the weekend.

Parking is also available at the High/Market Parking Deck next to the Akron-Summit County Public Library and across from the Akron Art Museum.

Is seating reserved or general admission?

For most screenings, seats are general admission — no assigned seating.

The doors to the cinema open when a showtime has let out and the room has been cleaned. At that point, the seats are first come, first served. (Including the comfy ones up front!)

Do you play trailers?

After a quick introduction from one of our show leaders, we typically play about 10 minutes of trailers before the show starts.

Can I get a refund for my unused tickets?

If you’re unable to use your tickets, you may get a refund by logging into your account. You can also donate them back to The Nightlight. To donate your tickets, please call (330) 252-5782 or return them to the box office before the showtime.

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept cash and credit card, as well as ticket vouchers and gift cards from The Nightlight.

Do you serve food or drinks? Can I bring my own?

The Nightlight's concessions include classic movie-theater snacks like popcorn (made with coconut oil instead of butter) and candy. We also serve bottled Coca-Cola products and Norka sodas.

We have a full bar, including multiple wines and beers (local and national), mixed drinks — and a special craft cocktail for each film!

As for our policy on outside food and drinks, we'd like to avoid anything that will impact the viewing experience for other guests — strong smells, loud sounds, and so on — but reusable water bottles or coffee from Akron Coffee Roasters next door are acceptable.

We'll also make an exception for individuals with conditions like a food allergy.

How can I make a donation?

Thank you so much for your generous support!

You can make a donation online to our general fund, as well as to our Second Screen Campaign. Donations can also be made at the box office.

A11y text


If you will require accommodations during your visit, feel free to contact us ahead of time at info@nightlightcinema.com.

A11y FAQ

Do you offer accessibility accommodations?

Yes! The Nightlight has caption-reading devices compatible with most movies, as well as headphones that stream the movie's audio. We also try to have open-caption screenings for the first showtimes on weekend days when captions are available.

Additionally, the cinema has a separate entrance leading directly to the front of the theater, where there is space for wheelchairs.

Can I bring my service animal into the theater?

If you would like to visit The Nightlight to see a film and require a service animal or any related accommodations, please contact us at info@nightlightcinema.com. Thanks!

Membership text


Member FAQ

How do I claim my ticket discount?

Log in online to see member pricing or present your ID at the box office.

Can someone else use my membership?

No, benefits are exclusive to the membership holder.

How do I check my membership status?

To sign in, click the membership icon at the top right of the screen.

How do I renew or change levels?

You can update your membership on the membership page

What is a ticket voucher?

A single-use coupon for free admission, transferable to friends or family. The member doesn't need to be present.

What are "Member Mondays?"

Discounted tickets for members:
Gold: Free guest ticket.
Silver: $2.50
Bronze: $3.75
Tickets can be purchased in advance.

Are "dual" or "family" memberships available?

No, you can however link accounts in the membership page after logging in.

Is my membership tax-deductible?

Bronze: 100% deductible.
Silver/Gold: Deductible up to the membership value.
The Nightlight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with tax ID 26-0855272. Any gift outside of membership is 100% tax-deductible.

I have an earlier membership type (Fan, Movie Buff, or Aficionado) — do those benefits continue?

Your benefits have been upgraded to the new levels:
Fan to Bronze
Movie Buff to Silver
Aficionado to Gold)

Legacy membership types will continue until expiration, but will not auto renew. At any time before or after expiration, you may renew into one of the new levels, and your expiration date will extend for the term of the renewal.

If you received your membership before 6/10/25, it will not auto-renew. You will need to create a new profile on our new system when it expires. If you already have a membership, you should have received an email with instructions on making a new profile. If you have not received this message, email info@nightlightcinema.com.

If I cancel, do my benefits continue?

Yes, your membership benefits will continue for one month after the last payment if billed monthly, or one year after the last payment if billed annually. You will not be charged again after that, and your benefits will not renew.

How do I cancel my membership?

Log in, select the membership tab, and disable auto-renew.

Will I receive sign-up benefits again if I rejoin?

Ticket vouchers from your original sign-up remain valid, but additional vouchers won't be issued if you rejoin within 12 months.

Booking text


Booking FAQ

Does The Nightlight host local advertisements?

For more information about sponsorship opportunities with The Nightlight, please contact Jenn at jkidd@nightlightcinema.com.

Can I rent out the theater for my event?

We are willing to rent out our space to nonprofits, businesses, and other organizations in our community for special events prior to the evening’s showtimes.

Individuals looking to host an event in the theater may also inquire.

For options and pricing, message Anthony at acrislip@nightlightcinema.com.


How do I log into my account or access my membership?

On desktop:

Click the membership icon at the top right of the screen.

On mobile:

Locate the "hamburger" button at the top right of the screen.
Click the account button at the bottom of the menu.
Click Log In, or Sign Up if you do not have an account yet.
Enter your log in information.
To access your membership, click on the member tab.




Quick FAQ

Header One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus urna sed urna ultricies ac tempor dui sagittis. In condimentum facilisis porta. Sed nec diam eu diam mattis viverra. Nulla fringilla, orci ac euismod semper, magna diam porttitor mauris, quis sollicitudin sapien justo in libero. Fusce sed risus ac sapien consequat vestibulum at eu leo. Donec vitae vehicula ipsum, ac malesuada nisl.

Header Two

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.

Header Three

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

The Nightlight